A podcast with Shawn Liu of Harvest
Starting a business is eerily similar to racing cyclocross. Crashes happen early in fits of emotion, sweat, and elbows. If we've trained well and have a bit of luck, we steer through the commotion of the start and settle into a pace, recalling the contract we made with ourselves to do the best we can. There are chases to bridge to those better than us. There are the small wins of outmaneuvering those who fall short of our own abilities. There's the rush of a good finish and the aftermath of wheezing and adrenaline. There is "I want more."
The pro, Shawn Liu.
In LORE's inaugural podcast, I speak with co-founder Shawn Liu of Harvest, a ten year old software business that more than forty thousand organizations use to manage billions of dollars in time and invoices. Shawn implies they fell into the business - lucky that other companies had the same needs they did when they built their software. Shawn's a humble guy, but the more I hold business up to the light alongside bike racing, the more I realize he's just a well-seasoned pro. He's a cool-headed entrepreneur with healthy doses of curiosity and modesty. He's got a game face earned from ten years of seeing his own company grow because of hard work and throwing a few elbows here and there.